10 Celebrity Social Media Accounts that Make the World a Dumber Place

Kim Kardashian

Social media can be a wonderful thing. For me, it’s a great way to keep in touch with my 97-year-old grandmother in Texas. She loves to post on social media, keep up with the kids and interact, and she’s good at it. She’s much better at it than most of the celebs in the world, it seems. We know that many celebrities hire others to manage their social media accounts on their behalf, but there are some that don’t. Some do it themselves, but they really should consider hiring someone else to handle their social media business since their own methods are anything but amazing.

In fact, some social media accounts make the world feel like a much dumber place. You know that feeling you get when you see something online and you instantly feel as if your IQ just dropped 10 points after reading it? That’s how some of these celebrities handle their own social media, and it makes us sad. These accounts aren’t doing anything positive for humanity, but they’re certainly entertaining – if nothing else.

Robin Thicke

Robin Thicke

All right, so it’s not his social media that we are talking about. However, he did take a photo with a young woman – nothing weird there since he is a celebrity and that’s how they roll – and she posted it to her social media. Of course, there was a mirror behind the two and it clearly shows his hand going up the back of her very, very short dress. He was also very, very married to Paula Patton at the time.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian

People love her or they hate her; it seems to be a trend with the entire family, and that’s all right. However, her social media accounts are nothing but photographs of herself in various awkward positions that best flatter her features. Our favorite is when she recently deleted and then photoshopped a photograph of herself and her husband because you could see a bump and a few flyaways in her hair in the original. What is this teaching, well, anyone?

Amanda Bynes

Amanda Bynes

She’s someone I grew up watching on television and absolutely loved, so her meltdown and her obvious health issues do make me sad. However, her social media began its descent into the world of “Make everyone stupid for even reading this,” when she was arrested for a DUI and proceeded to use social media to ask the President of the United States to fire the officer that pulled her over and arrested her, and it has only gotten worse since then.

James Franco

James Franco

He’s actually an intelligent man with a lovely education, but sometimes he makes questionable decisions. That one time, for instance, when he publicly flirted with an underage woman even after she mentioned that she is ‘almost’ 18 and that she’s totally digging him. It was just a little disgusting to the rest of the world, but then some said it was a publicity stunt for the movie he was promoting. Either way, no one felt good after reading that exchange.

Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin

He periodically uses his Twitter account to remind us that while he is a hilarious actor, his common sense is questionable. How about that time he refused to turn off his phone on a flight when the plane was attempting to depart because he was busy playing words with friends? He then tweeted some nonsense about how that is wrong and that there is no wonder that airlines are bankrupt. We prefer to think of it as, “No wonder airlines are able to take off and land without an issue,” personally.

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen

In light of his admission that he is HIV positive recently, it almost feels wrong to say anything negative. However, we will also point out that he’s a wild one and he was not careful in his wild ways; and that’s a problem. He once posted his phone number to his social media account in an attempt to give it to Justin Bieber and now the entire world has it. May be say we just hope that the Biebs did not call?

Chris Brown

Chris Brown

Do we need to point out that most everything this guy does is questionable and basically makes the world a more ridiculous place? No; not really. However, we will remind you of that one time when he posted a photo of Jesus on the cross to a social media account and proceeded to compare himself to Jesus in that the world was crucifying him for his actions. All right; fair enough – when your actions are to save mankind and not beat it up, mmmkay?

Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton

We won’t say her Twitter account makes the world a dumb place, but it shows the world why being dumb is a bad idea. Let’s just say that one time when she was arrested for carrying around cocaine in her Chanel clutch, she tried to say that the bag was a friend’s and she had no idea it contained drugs. However, her post that morning of her super amazing new Chanel clutch on Twitter proved otherwise.

Willow Smith

Willow Smith

Sadly, her account makes us sad, and it has since she once posted a photo of herself in bed with a 20-year-old man…when she was 13. He is topless and it’s very difficult to tell whether or not she is wearing a blanket or actual clothes. Either way, it is highly inappropriate and her parents stood up for her and her choices. It was one thing that made us all feel a little worse about life.

Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner

Again, the family is just one you either love or hate. Personally, I think that they are beyond interesting and somewhat genius in their business savvy and ability to maintain their relevance and popularity no matter what. However, while she’s been using her Instagram account to advocate for people who have been bullied – and we love that – we don’t love all the nude selfies and the provocative photos. She’s so young.

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