Actress Sarah Parish on why she and husband Jim are raising money for charity in memory of their bab

ON her very occasional days off from juggling two hit TV shows and a new play, Sarah Parish and actor hubby James Murray have been raising £150,000 via their charity The Murray Parish Trust in memory of their daughter Ella-Jayne.

She was born five weeks premature with a hole in her heart and the couple lost her at eight months old in 2009.

Sarah, 46, said: “I wasn’t panicking or thinking that I’d left it too late to have kids. We had Ella-Jayne just before my 40th birthday and everything seemed perfect. Until we lost her.

“That’s when I panicked. That’s when I thought, ‘God, what am I going to do?

“Our second child, Nell,came along in 2009 and she is the most wonderful little girl in the world.

“For a long time, we were scared of talking in public about this awful thing that happened to us but when we made the decision to set up a charity in Ella-Jayne’s memory, it just felt like the right thing to do.

“It helps us to feel that perhaps that terrible journey wasn’t in vain.

“This was a definite decision by Jim and I. This charity is in Ella-Jayne’s memory and we’re raising much-needed money for the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit at Southampton General Hospital where she was treated.

“You can’t start something like that without talking about what happened, but every time we tell the story, we can hopefully raise some money. And if we can raise some money, a little bit of Ella-Jayne reignites in our lives.”

The actress admits talking about the tragedy can actually help her cope – it’s when she’s alone that it hits her hardest.

Sarah said: “Does it hurt? No. Not when I’m talking about it like this. There are private times when the grief creeps up on you and you’re overwhelmed by this sudden, terrible pain.

“But on a general day-to-day basis, because it’s all in memory of Ella-Jayne, it seems to make it all right to talk about it. It makes this bad thing good.”

Sarah and Jim are angry it’s left to charities like theirs to raise money for the NHS, rather than
the Government sorting things out themselves.

She said: “Don’t get me started on that. I don’t want to get on my soapbox because it doesn’t help the charity but, yes, it makes me bloody angry that the NHS doesn’t get the funding it needs. Politicians should be sorting this out.”

Naturally, losing Ella-Jayne made Sarah a very nervous mother when Nell came along.

She said: “Initially, I just wanted to keep checking if she was OK but I realised I was making everybody’s life a nightmare.

“Eventually, I just said to myself, ‘Back off, woman’. You shouldn’t wrap a child in cotton wool, it’s unfair. Your child has to make mistakes, fall over, graze their knee and bang their head occasionally.

“If you mollycoddle them, they’ll never learn how to exist in the real world.

“There are no rules to family life. Like most people, we just make it up as we go along.

“We have been blessed with a very independent and sensible little girl. She gets herself ready in the morning, lets the dogs out and makes her own breakfast.

“She’s only five. But we just want to tap into what makes her the best and happiest she can be.”

Sarah hopes that when it comes to motherhood, she takes after her own mum.

She said: “My mum was deputy head mistress at my school. She was – and still is – an amazing woman, one of those teachers that everybody loved.

“If you ever walked into her office, she’d be handing round fags to the sixth formers while they
cried on her shoulder because their boyfriend had just dumped them.”

The couple have also been busy renovating a several-hundred-year-old cottage close to their current home in rural Hampshire.

Sarah said: “We’ve been working on it almost 18 months. We’re finally hoping to move in over the summer.”

She added “In my 20s and 30s, when I was living in London, going to the pub made me happy.

“I lived a crazy life and I enjoyed living that crazy life, but whenever I walk through Soho now,
I just think, ‘Thank God I don’t have to do that any more’.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a good drinking buddy, but both Jim and I were ready to leave London.

“We wanted a different life… he wants to go fishing, I want to potter around in the garden. That’s what makes me happy.

“I’m from Yeovil so I grew up in the country. Where we live now, I know my neighbours, I know the name of the postman, the name of the people in the local shop.

“I can leave a note on my door saying I’m out and I know I’m not going to get robbed. I think city life is over for me and Jim.”

Things are booming on the career front for Sarah, who plays the uncompromising Anna Rampton
in the media-bating comedy W1A.

She also continues to scheme her way through the new series of Atlantis and, just for good measure, has returned to the stage for the first time in more than 15 years for Alan Ayckbourn’s Way Upstream.

She said: “I’ve been lucky enough to enjoy the work I do. Of course, you get to a certain age and wonder what kind of roles you’re going to be offered.

“As a woman, once you get past 40, you are desexualised. Not by the general public… but by the media and the people who make films and TV programmes.

“It’s even happening to blokes too. Unless an actor’s got a six-pack and bulging muscles everywhere, he won’t get the job.

“I feel really sorry for men in this profession. We’re giving them dodgy packets of pills, sending them off to the gym, telling them what they can eat and drink, ripping the hairs out of their chests – you can see the tears of pain in their eyes.

“All so they can live up to this image of the ‘sexy’ bloke. Can you imagine the uproar if that’s how we treated women? ‘Sorry, love, but if you ain’t got perfect boobs and you’re not going to take your top off, you won’t pass the audition’. There would be complete uproar.”

Her own husband isn’t exactly the sporty type though – he’s into fishing. But even that nearly landed him in danger – when he said the best day of his life was catching a salmon.

Sarah said: “I know. The little s**t. Forget the day he married me… forget the birth of his children. Catching a bloody salmon.

“I was actually in the room when he was doing that interview and I heard him say it. I looked across at him and he said, ‘I think my wife’s going to kill me’.

“When I met Jim I was in my mid-30s and, yes, I thought marriage just wasn’t going to happen. I wasn’t panicking, I wasn’t thinking, ‘I must find a bloke’.

“I guess I had a sort of devil-may-care attitude to it all. If I meet somebody, great. If not, no worries.

“It wasn’t as simple as that. We met before we worked on Cutting It and we didn’t actually get on. I suspect it might have been because I’d had one or two glasses of wine and had a go at him for something.

“Then, during Cutting It, we really started to get on. We were both seeing other people, so nothing happened but after I finished the show, I realised that I really missed him.”

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