EXCLUSIVE: Interview With Danny Avila

International record producer Danny Avila is famed for working with household names such as Machine Gun Kelly and The Vamps. Avila has recently signed to Sony and returned from a tour of China.

Here we speak exclusively to Danny Avila about his work with big name artists, Sony contract, and much, much more;

So, how did the Sony deal come about?

Well, I had been in touch with Sony Spain for quite some time before. They were always very keen about my music and my DJing. So, last time we met we talked about working more together. I presented new demos to them, which I  had been working on at that time. It was more pop/dance sort of stuff and they really liked the route I was taking musically. Then, one thing led to another and we all got together in London at Sony’s European headquarters. That’s where I also met Wolfgang Boss, executive vice president A&R international of Sony Music. We all understood each other very well and all wanted to work together on new music. They offered me a deal with them and I took it!  

How do you feel the big label dynamic is helping your own musical career as a producer?

As a producer, this is a dream come true as my horizons broaden in terms of who I can work with and what I can share with the world. I’ve really been letting loose in the studio recently – Sony joining me on my journey has really given me another boost to keep creating and keep working on my dreams. 

What’s it like to now be creating songs for such renowned artists?

It’s really, really exciting. I never thought I would end up working with such well-established artists, let alone them featuring on my tracks. It’s also a chance for me to make big steps in getting my music to every possible corner of the world, and that for me is super important. 

You have recently worked with The Vamps, what was that like?

They are a fun group of guys. We had an awesome time working together on the new single. There was never a boring moment – we were always making jokes and laughing! They’re all talented and definitely have a long career ahead of them, so I’m pleased to add them to my own story as a producer. Maybe our paths will cross again in the future! 

How exciting is to see your tracks come to life when artists such as The Vamps release them into the world?

It makes me unbelievably happy, it really does! This project has turned out so awesome. This for me is definitely the most exciting period of my career so far. My music is getting pushed into places it perhaps wouldn’t have reached before, with the help of these new audiences. Like many as an artist, one of my goals is to continue to make people happy with my music, and The Vamps have helped me take that achievement to the next level. 

You have also worked with Machine Gun Kelly recently, what was it like being in the studio with him?

I’m really into hip hop and rap music, so to have one of the best rappers in the scene on my track was an honour and something that I’ve been wanting to do since I first started producing. I can tick that box! He’s got this intense energy about him – he works fast and he’s focused which matches up with my own work style. It was a really refreshing project for me. 

You have worked with many big names, are there any current artists you’d like to produce for soon?

This is very difficult to be honest, since there are so many great producers out there. Right now, I’m too much into my current projects than to think about who I would like to work with next. But I’m gonna make it a good one… 

You just wrapped a tour of China, how much fun did you have over there?

I can’t even begin to tell you how crazy it was! The energy that the crowds brought over there was unreal! You should check out the tour recap on my YouTube – you’ll see what I mean. It’s always an amazing experience when I’m in China. The country and the culture over there is so different to what I’m used to in Spain or the US, but I deeply enjoy their mentality and their way of welcoming you to their country. There’s something very fascinating about Chinese culture. Plus, the local food is still one of my favourite in the whole wide world and easily the best part of these trips, for me haha.

What can we expect from you over the next year?

I have some more treats coming up, as part of my international deal with Sony Music Spain. I’m taking my music to the next level this year – watch this space ;)

Make sure you follow Danny on Twitter @DJDannyAvila to keep up to date with all his latest music and tour news!

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