Jennifer Lawrence & Sam Claflin on the trials of fame: Paparazzi suck all the time

Jennifer Lawrence Sam Claflin

I want to point out how much I love this photo of Sam Claflin, Jennifer Lawrence, and Liam Hemsworth at Cannes earlier this year. Liam is almost fading into the right side, which is amusing because (sadly) his days as a movie star are numbered. We all know he’s the Taylor Lautner of The Hunger Games. I really do feel badly for him and hope he saves his money.

Who knows where Liam is right now. Sam and Jennifer are promoting Catching Fire, which I am trying very hard to be excited about. No matter what, I will be in the theater on opening weekend because tickets will be a birthday present to my daughter. She loves Katniss, and I love that Katniss is a great role model.

JLaw and Sam sat down with Teen Vogue (via HuffPo) to discuss their characters and their experience filming in Hawaii. They also talked about the trappings of fame. Sam already talked to Nylon about the dark side of fandom and how “people get a little obsessed.” Jennifer is also starting to show (to Vogue) that fame is starting to get to her: “I am just not OK with it. It’s as simple as that. I am just a normal girl and a human being.” Now they’re complaining about the paps. Do they sound ungrateful?

Sam Claflin

Was it important for you to set a certain tone on set as the leading lady?
Jennifer Lawrence: “I needed everyone to know I was in charge. (Laughs) I just wanted everyone to be comfortable. When there are new people, it can get awkward, but everyone was so great — including you, Sam.”
Sam Claflin: “I first bumped into you at stunt training. Your archery put me to shame. I was quite intimidated.”
JL: “By the sight of my face.”
SC: “It really put me off. (Laughs) No, obviously you are a good role model.”

How will your characters interact with each other in the movie?
JL: “Finnick is the most seductive man in the Capitol. At first Katniss is very put off by him, but the more she learns about him, the more she starts to understand and respect him. They become weird friends.”
SC: “He has charm and charisma going for him, but deep down he has insecurities, which overshadow his ‘external beauty.'”

Sam, Finnick has a very physical role. How did you train?
SC: “I had quite the journey. If you read the description of Finnick in the book, then pin my face next to that, there’s quite a long way to go.”
JL: “He was drastically overweight.”
SC: “I was definitely not in shape. There was a lot of training involved. Months and months of eating the same meals every day. Omelet in the morning, protein shake in the afternoon. The same routine of gym and stunt training. I’m happy with the end result. I did the best I could.”
JL: “You can’t diet on these movies. It’s impossible.”
SC: “It’s pretty tough.”

How were the paparazzi in Hawaii?
SC: “They weren’t around when we were doing scenes so much. It was worse during our downtime.”
JL: “I mean, paparazzi suck all the time. When you’re working, it’s distracting and when you’re not working, it’s annoying. I don’t feel like anyone is entitled to know what we’re doing on our weekends and for some reason, the world thinks they are. That’s just how I feel.”
SC: “I was lucky. I didn’t have to deal with it as much as her and Josh — partly because no one knows who I am. I’m lucky.”

Jennifer’s advice for Sam
JL: “I told him that everything’s going to change really fast. I haven’t really stopped working, which has been exhausting, but also a blessing because I don’t have time to think about it.”

[From Teen Vogue on HuffPo]

This conversation shows off the obvious rapport between Jennifer and Sam. She’s that way about all of her male co-stars. I think it’s because she grew up with brothers, so it’s like all these guys are brothers by extension (even Bradley Cooper). Does she sound ungrateful about fame? Not yet.

Here’s Sam doing his best Robert Pattinson “duck the paps” maneuver in Dublin in March.

Sam Claflin

He was oddly excited to see the paps in London last month.

Sam Claflin

Jennifer Lawrence

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN
