Three R. Kelly Associates Apprehended For Threatening The Singers Accusers

A new report from Page Six says three of R. Kelly‘s associates were apprehended in different American states for trying to bully and bribe victims involved in the performing artist’s sex-trafficking case. Federal prosecutors announced the news on Wednesday.

Reportedly, police charged Michael Williams, Donnell Russell, and Richard Arline Junior, in separate complaints for trying to silence victims through tactics such as violence, harassment, and intimidation. The men allegedly were trying to influence the outcome in Kelly’s Brooklyn federal case.

Court papers say that Michael Williams, for instance, damaged a vehicle by fire and explosives in an attempt to silence the victim. The police apprehended him in Pompano Beach, Florida, this past Tuesday.

Prosecutors say Arline, as well, tried to bribe one of the victims with “something of value.” Authorities detained him on Wednesday in Dolton, Illinois. Additionally, Donnell Russell harassed a victim and her mom through a telephone call and social media.

As it was previously reported, Kelly, 53, is facing off against more than a dozen criminal counts of very serious crimes, including racketeering, sex trafficking, and other charges. He has been accused of abusing six women and minors.

Kelly also has another case in Chicago, Illinois, where he has been charged with destroying evidence and creating child pornography. It’s unclear what’s going to happen to Kelly, but the charges against him are severe.

The formerly legendary R&B singer was first put on blast by a BuzzFeed article featuring the complaints of Joycelyn Savage‘s parents. This was what first put R. Kelly back on the map around the same time as the #MeToo movement’s beginning.

However, it was the release of Lifetime’s Surviving R. Kelly which led to charges and his subsequent incarceration. He hasn’t been convicted, but R. Kelly is currently waiting behind bars for his upcoming trial.


Amid the release of Surviving R. Kelly, many other entertainers distanced themselves from him. For instance, Lady Gaga apologized for ever having worked with Kelly, and performers such as Too $hort put Kelly on blast.
