What is a Fraction

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Fraction Definition:

An expression that measures
equal parts of a whole.

It has two parts:
1) a numerator (top)
2) a denominator (bottom).

Fraction Pie-Chart

9 purple sections = numerator.
9 purple + 1 white = denominator

Proper Fractions:

Fractions < 1.
Numerator < denominator

Proper Fraction Examples:

Improper Fractions:

Fractions > 1.
Numerator > denominator

Improper Fraction Examples:

Whole Fractions:

Fractions = 1.
Numerator = denominator

Improper Fraction Examples:

How does the What is a Fraction Calculator work?

Free What is a Fraction Calculator - This lesson walks you through what a fraction is and the different parts of a fraction.

What 4 formulas are used for the What is a Fraction Calculator?

Fractions are written as n/d where n is the numerator and d is the denominator
Fractions > 1 = Improper
Fractions < 1 = Proper
Fractions = 1 = Whole

For more math formulas, check out our Formula Dossier

What 5 concepts are covered in the What is a Fraction Calculator?

denominatorThe bottom portion of a fraction. For a/b, b is the denominatorfractionhow many parts of a certain size exist
a/b where a is the numerator and b is the denominatornumeratorthe number above the line in a common fractionprealgebragives you introductory concepts related to numbers and equations to prepare you for Algebra.whole numbernumbers that include natural numbers and zero
{0, 1, 2, 3, ...}

What is a Fraction Calculator Video


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